Hitting in Favorable Counts

The majority of players can improve their hitting by taking their at-bats when the count is in their favor.

There are certain counts that are more advantageous for hitters than others. The following is a list of counts that favor hitters: 1-0, 2-0, 3-1, 2-1, and 3-0. Although 3-0 is also a hitters count, it is a rare occurrence for hitters to get a chance to swing when the count is that high. When you are in a hitter's count, you should be on the lookout for a fastball that you can hit for additional bases, and you should try to avoid pitches that are outside the strike zone. Many good hitters will also take a curveball when they are in a hitters count. For instance, if you have a 3-1 count and the pitcher throws a curveball, the pitcher runs the risk of walking the batter if the curve ball is not a strike, and he does not significantly improve his situation if the curve ball is a strike. Therefore, some good hitters will take a 3-1 curveball, (thinking Dead Red Fastball), depending on the situation,

The following is a list of the counts for the pitchers: 0-1, 0-2, 1-2, 2-2 When these counts are present, it is essential for the batter to show aggression in the strike zone and make sure to make contact with the ball. You should aim to hit the pitch that the pitcher makes a mistake with. A lot of the time, when a pitcher has the lead in the count, he will try to get the batter out without throwing another strike. He will try to spot the ball, which means that he will either try to aim the ball just off of the outside corner or throw a high pitch in an effort to get the batter to swing at a ball that is not a strike. You should try to hit the pitch that the pitcher makes a mistake Because pitchers are instructed to deliver strikes, and because the pitcher is striving to throw a ball, the pitcher will frequently miss his place or throw a pitch that was either not quite high enough or not quite outside enough. The hitter can make the best of a difficult position by being aggressive and making great contact on the pitch. This will allow him to at least make a productive out of the scenario. The counts 0-0, 1-1, and 3-2 are known as neutral counts.


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